Friday, May 18, 2012

Tao Te Ching

1.      “Over-fulfillment: Keep filling your bowl and it will spill over. Keep sharpening you knife and it will blunt. Keep hoarding gold in your house and you will be robbed. Keep seeking approval and you will be chained. The Great Integrity level lead to actualization, never over-fulfillment.”

a.       This quote applies to me because I am searching for more I can never be happy with what I have. This is especially true at work. I am only seventeen and I am the manager at my job because I love the way it feels to have praise for the hard work I put in. But soon I will have nowhere else to move up in the company and that truly scares me because I need appreciation to feel important and needed anywhere in my life and without it I have found that it makes me very unhappy.

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