Friday, May 18, 2012


“Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated, Laboring (hard) weary,--The While they enter the Blazing Fire,--The while they are given, to drink, of a boiling hot spring, No food will there be for them but a bitter Dhari’ Which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.” (pg. #263) This quote from, The Holy Qur’an seemed very harsh to me. I couldn’t help but wonder while I was reading this if they believe that god is merciful I don’t see him doing this to sinners. Merciful means forgiving, kind, and loving. I do not believe that God would ever punish sinning humans in this way because they are only humans. This part of the Holy Qur’an did not make a lot of sense to me and it was very different to my beliefs and how the end will come.

My personal belief is that god will allow every human to choose him when judgment day comes. Those who do choose him will live forever on everlasting earth and those who do not choose him will sleep forever. I do however like most of the Holy Qur’an most of it is very common with any god-fearing person and what they would follow. I do not however agree with the way they treat women because I also do not believe that God would ever think that women are less than men and that is the vibe that I get from the Muslim religion.

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